When creating, she explores the most imaginative part of herself, her inner child. That part comes as a reminder of her younger self, when her loving grandmother, taught her to use the sewing machine and she first experienced texture, color, patterns for the first time.
The first sparkle of her career shined when she started as a “freelancer” in order to make unique outfits for her friends’ dolls. Through her studies in Stage and Costume Design, she began her journey into the field of theater, fashion, art and now it brought her in today’s creation. The idea is simple and this simplicity glows strong.
An impressive jewel-bijou, easy to use, that fits regardless the occasion. Its shine highlights the best parts of any outfit.
It combines the dynamic element in a discrete way.
It could only come from the mind of an entrepreneur, a woman of today!
A “Xobli”!